Monday, January 31, 2011

Weekend Adventures

This weekend was not the most exciting of weekends, but several things are probably worth noting. Friday, as posted earlier, was the trip to Tivoli. That was indeed exciting. Saturday we walked to Villa Farnesina and saw a few famous works of art. One of my roommates had to go for her Art History class and I had nothing better to do, so I tagged along. Rafael's Galatea and some frescoes of Alexander the Great are what I can remember seeing. That afternoon we booked and planned our spring break (and dropped loads of money in the process)  and took another ridiculous trip to the supermarket where we could not locate bread crumbs. Yesterday, Sunday, I went with a friend to the Pantheon for Mass. It was very beautiful. Afterward we went to La Feltrinelli, the bookstore, where I purchased a cookbook -in Italian! Later in the evening we baked a cake and the same friend came over and cooked a delicious stew for dinner. While it was an enjoyable weekend, homework is now pressing in on all sides!
I'll update again soon! Ciao!

1 comment:

  1. It sounds like you're having a WONDERFUL time there in Rome! Again, I am sooooo very jealous of you!!

    Sorry I haven't posted any comments to your blog recently.....I've been pretty busy!

    Continue to stay safe....and as always, HAVE FUN.
