Monday, January 31, 2011

Tivoli Field Trip

This was another week of stressful challenges, including bank frustrations and a cell phone that ceased to work. I did get my new camera, however, which happens to be amazing! I definitely went click-happy today on the field trip to Tivoli. It felt pretty good to be able to take my own pictures again. We explored the ruins of ancient Hadrian’s Villa in the morning and then rode up into the town of Tivoli for lunch. Two friends and I ate in a little cafĂ© and then went to Villa D’Este for the afternoon. The Villa belonged to Cardinal D’Este during the late 16th century and was somewhat modeled after the splendor of Hadrian’s Villa. It has been very well preserved because it was from a later time period, so we saw a lot of paintings, sculptures, and architecture. The gardens were definitely my favorite part, though. They were so expansive and beautiful! Here are a few pictures from this trip. I'll try to get some photos up on Facebook soon as well.
Hadrian's Villa

Hadrian's Villa
Hadrian's Villa

Villa d''Este

Villa d'Este

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