Thursday, January 20, 2011

Week One of Classes Completed!

This week was already challenging, but I'm fairly certain that I will enjoy my classes. My first class was Italian 1001 and is probably my favorite. My professor is absolutely insane and makes fun of our answers in a strange fun kind of way. My roommate Sara has been helping me learn how to count and speak certain phrases, so I did extra well the first week in class and earned a few "bravissimo"'s! I have even been able to practice a little bit in the 24 hour bakery (the best pastry place on earth) and with the attractive Italians at Old Bridge Gelato. Yesterday the boy scooping my gelato complimented me by saying, "Perfetto Italiano!" It was definitely NOT perfect, but Italians are so nice and very ready to help Americans practice.

Anyway, I don't really know what to say for my Roman history class, but this certainly isn't American history at Messiah College! It will probably be the most challenging class I'll ever take in my life. My professor is from Belgium and is extremely intense. No drinking, no leaving to go the bathroom, and lectures are very difficult. There is no mistaking the fact that I'll learn a lot from him, though. I'm mostly just concerned about my grade...

Modern Italy is another of my classes and seems pretty average. My last class is called Rome Sketchbook. I'm intimidated by this class mostly because I can't draw that well- I discovered that after our first lesson today. My professor expects quality work that I'm not sure I can produce. Hopefully I will improve! For class tomorrow we are taking a trip to the hill-town of Tuscania. I'll be sure to let you all know about that trip. Maybe I can borrow a camera from someone so I can take pictures. If not, there might be some mediocre drawings. Oh, just in case you didn't know, my camera died. I bought a new one on the Italian Amazon and am hoping to get it sometime soon!


  1. Sounds like you're really enjoying yourself (minus the intense classes). Seriously? You're not allowed to get a drink or go to the bathroom? That's horrible.

    By the time you get back, you'll know a good bit of Italian. Pleasssse teach me (I promise I'll teach you some Spanish!). I guess you're just learning the basic stuff for now, I assume? Or, is your professor having you learn more than just that?

  2. Right now just the basics. :) I have learned so much more than I thought I would by now! We have learned a lot of conversational phrases we can use in daily life. I'll try my best to teach you a little when I return!
