Thursday, January 13, 2011

An American in Rome

From the first day (Tuesday):
Well, we're all here! Yesterday was quite the adventure already, and of course we're all pretty exhausted. My first plane ride was alright. I can't say I'm a really big fan of airplanes. It feels so unnatural.

Anyway, what I really wanted to talk about is how American this place makes you feel! I mean, obviously I always knew that, but I've never really felt it like I do now. Thank goodness for our roommate Sara who was able to take Italian before coming. We were extremely hungry for some lunch yesterday afternoon and ended up getting cappucinos and a pastry. However, first we had to figure out how to get in the door. Despite looking like a pull door, it was a push door. Once we got inside the man laughed and pinned us down as Americans right away. Sara did all of the talking and Jenn and I just kind of smiled a lot. Thank goodness Italian class starts next week! In the grocery store we probably looked like a spectacle. We figured out how to weigh our bananas, bought a huge loaf of bread, and spent a good bit of time looking for pasta sauce. Certainly an adventure!

This morning I walked with my apartment-mates to their orientation (mine is this afternoon) and decided to wander around. I found the Piazza del Popolo and decided I should take some pictures. Clearly that was not the best idea to do all by myself because a man tried to sell me roses. I guess I just look like an American, especially with my camera.
Oh, and just a "by-the-way"...gelato is so much better than ice cream.

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