Monday, January 24, 2011

The Famous Wall Walk

Sunday, the 22nd, was the famous Wall Walk with Professor Jan Gadeyne. We traipsed around Rome from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm with only two small breaks in the middle for coffee and lunch. Our incentive to continue was a soda and signing our name to a piece of paper. At the beginning that did not really seem worth the effort, but twelve miles later we were ready to drink some soda and proudly write our names in ink. Throughout the walk we learned about the ancient walls and how they correspond with modern Rome. On Monday the list was prominently displayed right outside the school door for everyone to see. At least I didn’t die –he jested that some of us might! I can now say I have survived the Wall Walk with Professor Gadeyne. 
Beginning and End: St. John in Lateran

Professor Gadeyne preps us for the walk

The Walls


  1. Love the pictures and commentary...sounds like you're having fun...I know how scary it is to be in another country and not know the language! You will be enriched by these experiences for the rest of your life. Did you get your new camera? How about taking some photos of those workers at Old Bridge Gelato?? :)
    Love, Marianna

  2. This is so fantastic. I felt like I was right there:) Thanks so much for sharing the adventure.

  3. Thank you both! I'm glad you've been reading my posts -it's really great to see that I can share my adventures with people at home!
    Marianna- we definitely tried to get some pictures at Old Bridge Gelato but they didn't turn out. ;) And I did get my new camera finally and it's fantastic!! So much better than the old one.
