Saturday, March 5, 2011

Computer FAIL

I have returned from Spring Break and thoroughly enjoyed myself. Now that I am amidst reading and papers again, I decided I should pause to let you all know that I did take plenty of pictures but I can't post them right away. My laptop charger has conveniently decided to die while I am over here in Italy and my battery is nearly dead. Somehow I have to write a paper and use friends' computers to get by until I figure out what to do. Everything expensive just has to die while one is not working, doesn't it? Hopefully I'll be able to update you on my break SOON!

1 comment:

  1. Of all things to die, of course your laptop charger dies......guess you'll need to get a new charger when you come back to the states, no?

    I am looking forward to looking at those pictures......whenever you get the chance to post them :-)
