Thursday, February 24, 2011

And so Spring Break begins...

After a week of studying like crazy, barely sleeping, eating a lot of chocolate cornetti, and taking dreadfully difficult midterms, we are ready to depart on our vacation! We leave tomorrow morning for Athens, Greece and will return on Tuesday. Tuesday evening we leave for Venice and will return on Friday evening. Throughout break I have a research paper to be working on and must do a sketch a day for Rome Sketchbook. It's also supposed to rain in Greece. Despite those downers, however, we are hoping to have a wonderful time, see a lot of ancient ruins and a lot of art. Be prepared for some really long posts upon our return!


  1. Hope you enjoy your Spring Break! I don't get mine for another week.

    Take lots of pictures if you can!

  2. It was a great break! Enjoy yours...I guess it has started now?
