Saturday, April 2, 2011

Under the Tuscan Sun

On the weekend of March 18-20 we tagged along with Sara and Mary’s class to Florence. Jenn, Adam, and I did our own thing for most of the weekend and then met up with the other two Saturday night. On Friday we saw Donatello’s David statue in a sculpture museum, had AH-mazing gelato, saw Ponte Vecchio, and then had to leave to catch a bus to San Gimignano. We had plans to stay there in the monastery of San Agostino. Staying in a monastery -just one more thing to cross off the bucket list! The monastery beds were surprisingly really comfortable and it was not as “roughing it” as I thought it would be. San Gimignano is also the most adorable little medieval hilltown overlooking the beautiful countryside of Tuscany. 
Ponte Vecchio
Mary, Jenn, Sara, Adam
The next day in Florence we saw the famous David by Michelangelo in the Galleria Accademia, but definitely didn’t have enough time there. We had to get to our Uffizi Gallery reservation on time. After spending the entire afternoon there without eating and looking at art until we were shaking from hunger we grabbed a bite to eat and met up with Sara and Mary outside the Duomo. 
The Duomo
We traveled back to San Gimignano and spent the evening and next morning sharing our love for the cute little town. I must say that I have a huge soft spot for countryside, so this was the perfect getaway from the hustle and bustle of Rome. Sunday we had to hurry back to Florence to get Sara’s new leather jacket repaired (the zipper broke). Hurry is not quite the word for what happened, however. I’d say we spent about 3 hours either on a bus or waiting for buses in the most boring locations to ever exist. Upon return to Florence we saw the outside of the church where Michelangelo is buried (we were too poor to go inside) and also his house. Then it was back to Roma to start a new week!
Monastery of St. Augustine Cloister


  1. I really liked looking at the last picture in this gosh, what a beautiful view@

  2. Isn't it absolutely gorgeous!? It was even more breathtaking in real life (and smelled like woodsmoke)!
