Thursday, April 21, 2011

Odds and Ends

Brianne and I cooked dinner together

Once again I've fallen behind! Sorry to keep you in the dark about my gallivanting, but it's so hard to find time to update when the internet doesn't work well and your time is taken up by papers, tests, and walking to and from school. Now that I only have three days left, I'll take this time to update you about the past month. I just finished my last final (it didn't go so well) and I'm waiting for the Farewell Pizza party this here's one of several last posts. Following this one I'll post about my Angels & Demons trail, Ostica Antica, the beach, the Colosseum, the Soccer Game, and the last few days, but I can't do that until I've uploaded the pictures to my computer -within the next few days though!

Entrance to the Vatican Museums

Inside Vatican City! It has it's own radio station!


Not Saint Peter's actual tomb -but close?
The weekend of Friday April 1st, my roommates went to the Amalfi coast on a bus trip. I was not able to go because it was too expensive, but I did have a great weekend nonetheless! Friday I got up early and went to the Vatican Museums. They were soooo interesting, especially thanks to my roommate Sara who told me what I needed to make sure to see. At the end was the famous Sistine Chapel. I also went into the crypt and saw Pope John Paul II's tomb. Saturday, I had a reservation for the Borghese Gallery which showcases many excellent Bernini sculptures. I have never been much of an art nerd, but I definitely LOVED Bernini's sculptures of Apollo and Daphne and Pluto and Proserpina. They were so detailed, beautiful, and realistic! I also went on an Angels & Demons hunt that weekend which I will post about following this one.
Galleria Borghese

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