Thursday, March 10, 2011

Modern Italy

It is required that we attend two field trips for my Modern Italian history course, so I decided to share some pictures from the two that I did. The first was a celebration of Giuseppe Garibaldi, one of four heroes of the Italian unification. We didn't understand anything, nor did we stay for very much, but we did meet Anita, a descendant of Garibaldi. We were also able to see how much the Italians love Garibaldi.

Garibaldi's descendant, Anita (in the red)

The second trip was in honor of Giordano Bruno. Bruno was an astronomer who was found guilty of heresy by the Catholic Church and burned at the stake. Today, he is thought of as a martyr for scientific thought. As might be expected, he is also revered by many who are opposed to the Catholic Church. His statue is in the center of Campo dei Fiori, so we walked to the celebration after class and watched the festivities and speeches for about an hour.

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